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Shiba Memu Achieves $39M: Is It Time to Board the SHMU Ship?

Shiba Memu Soars to $3.9M: Is Now the Time to Board the SHMU Ship?

Presales, also known as initial coin offerings (ICOs), are crowdfunding that crypto projects leverage to raise money before they go on public sale — allowing crypto projects to raise money and create token liquidity before they launch. Likewise, they enable prospective holders to diversify their crypto portfolio with promising projects with high upside potential.

Presales are a legitimate way to fund in crypto before they go on parabolic price runs. It’s just as important to identify which presale cryptos are worth it and which ones users should approach cautiously.

In 2023, one newcomer ranks among the best opportunities in crypto, with the potential to do a 50-100x in the coming years. It’s a meme coin called Shiba Memu (SHMU), and it isn’t just another tired old Dogecoin, PEPE, or Shiba Inu derivative. As this article will discuss, Shiba Memu is one of the best long-term cryptos in 2023, and having raised a total of $3.9m in just 16 weeks, the project is making a strong case as one of the top ICO picks of 2023.

Shiba Memu is a meme coin in a class of its own. Using the disruptive power of AI to run its marketing strategy completely autonomously, Shiba Memu keeps engagement and buy pressure high. In doing so, the protocol keeps the hype train running and price action looking upward.

The success of meme coins hinges largely on human marketing efforts for them to gain traction and skyrocket in price. Such was the case for PEPE Coin, whose meteoric rise was driven in no small part by community efforts to whip up organic demand.


On the other hand, Shiba Memu is the first meme coin protocol leveraging artificial intelligence, using natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis to identify market opinions about SHMU on online and social platforms. Its algorithms will then create content with the appropriate messaging and distribute it across online forums and social media platforms to boost interest and counter FUD.

SHMU is the native token underpinning the Shiba Memu ecosystem. It grants access to the Shiba Memu AI dashboard, where holders can propose improvements and earn tokens in return for their contributions. Shiba Memu’s AI algorithm then improves on itself, learning to create and distribute compelling content with the most impeccable nuance.

Unlike typical meme coins like PEPE and Dogecoin, Shiba Memu offers a real-world use case, leveraging one of the hottest growth sectors in fintech. It’s the only token that keeps the hype machine continuously dialled in. The hype never ends, and the marketing never stops—like the Energizer bunny, it keeps going and going.

SHMU token presale offers a raft of incentives

Not surprisingly, speculators looking to invest in crypto projects with long-term growth potential have taken a keen interest in Shiba Memu’s presale. Packed to the brim with incentives, presale participants can see a daily appreciation of $0.000225 during the 120-day ICO phase. This means SHMU holders who bought from day one at $0.01 can profit as much as 240% with the ICO’s progressive token price increase mechanism. Meanwhile, holders who bought in during the 60-day extension can be sitting on 120% in gains by the time SHMU launches.

Currently, SHMU tokens are available at $0.03543 per token. With just over 1 week left, prospective holders can still extract serious value from the SHMU presale before it ends on 31st October. This token could seriously enhance a trader’s crypto portfolio.

Can Shiba Memu reach $1 by 2025?

With the next Bitcoin halving just around the corner in 2024, Shiba Memu can be expected to skyrocket in value by the time the next bull market comes around in 2025. All things being equal, Shiba Memu’s unique value proposition could easily breach $0.50. If it hits a $1 billion market capitalization like PEPE did in 2023, SHMU would be within striking distance of $1.

After all, if meme coins like PEPE and Dogecoin can hit billion-dollar market capitalizations without a use case, imagine how much Shiba Memu could appreciate.

There’s still time to join the Shiba Memu presale

No other meme coin harnesses AI to fully develop and implement crypto marketing like Shiba Memu does, placing it at the forefront of meme coin innovation.

Crypto observers believe that Shiba Memu can drive potential holders interested in gaining exposure to AI and onboard them to Web3 with the relatable meme coin format. Likewise, Shiba Memu should draw interest from fanatical meme coin audiences wanting to gain AI exposure and pump SHMU token prices onward and upward.

You still have time to take advantage of the generous presale incentives and daily token price raises offered by Shiba Memu. It’s the last call to join the moon mission before it takes off.

Find out how to buy SHMU by visiting the website

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Article information

Author: Virginia Johnson

Last Updated: 1700296441

Views: 1584

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Author information

Name: Virginia Johnson

Birthday: 1960-04-13

Address: 6353 Carla Park Apt. 586, Lake Jamesborough, ME 21010

Phone: +4205924832910025

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Backpacking, Skydiving, Meditation, Aquarium Keeping, Kite Flying, Horseback Riding, Painting

Introduction: My name is Virginia Johnson, I am a steadfast, clever, multicolored, dazzling, spirited, treasured, ingenious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.