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How Much Will Zilliqa Cost in 2019? Should You Buy It Now? Why Is Sharding Pioneer on Fire?

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Zilliqa’s ZIL token has been on an impressive roll this week, with its price rising considerably as more investors jump to catch its hot wave. However, why is its price on the rise, and what should investors know about it? 

ZIL Price Action

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Crypto Never Sleeps

At press time, the ZIL token trades at $0.02413, indicating an uptrend of an impressive 2.72% in the past 24 hours, handily outperforming the broader market, which is up by 0.08% in the same period. 

Still, this isn’t enough to capture ZIL’s impressive price surge. ZIL has been on a 41.65 price surge in the past two days. It has been arguably the best-performing major altcoin in the market within that time frame, benefiting from improved market dynamics and strong fundamentals. 

Interestingly, ZIL’s strong price action hasn’t been enough to lift its technicals. The coin still trails all of its major moving average (MA) indicators, ranging from the 10-day MA of $0.02417 to the 200-day MA of $0.02441. Nevertheless, ZIL should be able to break several of its bounds as its price continues to rise. 

A negative moving average convergence divergence (MACD) shows that ZIL still shows a sell signal, although the asset’s relative strength index (RSI) of 48.33 shows that it is not yet overbought.

EVM Compatibility Boosts ZIL’s Prospects 

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Crypto4light Market

An official blog post from the Zilliqa developers recently confirmed that the platform will now support the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). 

Thanks to EVM compatibility, everyone within the Zilliqa ecosystem will be able to communicate seamlessly with other EVM-compatible chains on different networks. The Zilliqa blockchain is set to become more open and functional, with massive potential for exploring fields such as decentralized finance (DeFi) and much more. 

Users will be able to use EVM tools and wallets like MetaMask without needing bridges or wrapped assets. This should significantly improve their experience and make it simpler for them to use and store their assets across multiple networks. 

Buy New Crypto Presales for Gains 

Lee the Captain

While the ZIL token has been the best performer in the market for a few days, it isn’t the only profitable token to be considered. 

Fight Out (FGHT)

Lee the Captain

Investors are currently excited about several presales. One such name is FGHT, which powers Fight Out. The new move-to-earn platform makes it possible for people to earn as they get more physically fit. 

The platform comes with a mobile app that tracks all major vitals and rewards users with tokens as they get fit. Fight Out is coming with a metaverse iteration where users can connect and enjoy physical activities within the virtual world. 

Step up to the challenge and join the Fight Out community!

With personalised workouts, rewards, and a supportive community, we'll help you reach your fitness goals and have fun along the way.

Are you ready to take the next step? 👊⬇️https://t.co/z34Nkx3ffi pic.twitter.com/oZF16ecvyZ

— Fight Out (@FightOut_) January 10, 2023

So far, the FGHT token is available on presale and has raised over $2.81 million, becoming one of the most interesting presales. 

Buy FGHT on Presale

Dash 2 Trade (D2T)

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Parkev Tatevosian, CFA

Another valuable new coin to consider is D2T. The token, which has been available on presale for months, has finally hit its $15 million capital raise objective and is set to list on four exchanges – BitMart, Gate.io, LBank, and Uniswap tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11th, by 10am UTC.

— Dash 2 Trade (@dash2_trade) January 10, 2023

D2T powers Dash 2 Trade – a research and analytics platform that acts as a repository of information for investors looking to earn. Dash 2 Trade offers seamless trading, access to signals, social trading, and many more features designed to help investors have a more seamless experience in the crypto market. 

It also focuses on investor safety, providing liquidity and activity levels data to ensure investors know what projects to back and which to avoid. 
Buy D2T on Presale Now

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Author: Robert Washington

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Name: Robert Washington

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Introduction: My name is Robert Washington, I am a dear, Open, talented, lively, resolute, Colorful, accomplished person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.