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Known as "cute" by his fans, Harrison Hans Luna from Love Island USA is the newest bombshell

Love Island USA season 5's latest episode not only made headlines but also raised the bar for contestants. This happened after a new contestant who entered the show had an instant impact on the others. Be it kissing multiple female contestants or making other male contestants jealous, Harrison Hans Luna made quite the debut on Love Island USA season 5.

Harrison Hans Luna is 26 years old and works in the hospitality industry. He is also into modeling. Prior to his entrance in the villa, his fellow contestants were instructed to get glammed up, and the minute he made his entry, the females in this season of Love Island USA were left impressed.

After Harrison Hans Luna made his appearance on the show, Love Island USA season 5 fans took to social media to post their reactions, with many calling him "cute."

Love Island USA Season 5's new contestant Harrison Hans Luna is a diamond dealer


The social media profile of Harrison Hans Luna shows that he has a following of more than 36k on Instagram. Aside from traveling and working out, he enjoys spending time with friends and family, according to his social media accounts. In addition to modeling, he is also a diamond dealer at Novita Diamonds.

He has previously appeared on the show Take Me Out, in 2018. At the time, he was 21 years old.

In Love Island, he is currently making a connection with Jasmine.

The 24-year-old Jasmine Sklavanitis works in the Trauma Stepdown ICU. She was born and raised in Illinois. Additionally, she has more than 3k Instagram followers and enjoys traveling.

Ever since Harrison's appearance, fans have flooded Twitter, with most of them gushing over him.

Love Island USA season 5 welcomes another new contestant


In addition to Harrison Hans Luna, Carmen Kocourek has also recently joined the cast. The 22-year-old is originally from Milwaukee. Along with Harrison, she appeared with the other villa contestants on Wednesday's episode.

The Peacock press release regarding the show’s season 5 mentions the following:

“Temptations will rise and drama will ensue as new 'bombshells' arrive throughout the season, forcing Islanders to decide if they want to remain with their current partners or recouple with someone new."

It further adds:

"Islanders will also be at the mercy of viewers at home who will vote to determine who gets another shot at love and who leaves the villa heartbroken and empty-handed.”

As per the current situation on the show, Kassy Castillo has ended her relationship with Leonardo Dionicio, citing the reason that Leonardo is not loyal to her. In addition, Kassy is making connections with Keenan Anunay, while Keenan is currently dating Vickala "Kay Kay" Gray.

For Jasmine Sklavanitis, things aren't going well, especially since Victor Gonzalez is starting to develop feelings for Carmen Kocourek. How things take a turn for Jasmine with Harrison's interest in her remains to be seen.

The latest episode of Love Island USA's Season 5 can be seen on Peacock and CBS.

Edited by Upasya Bhowal

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Name: Kimberly Wagner

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Introduction: My name is Kimberly Wagner, I am a dazzling, risk-taking, striking, proficient, brilliant, skilled, transparent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.